My last full day on the Pacific Crest Trail. I hiked through a variety of terrain and a variety of weather to reach the famous monument at the northern border.
A lot of trails near Vancouver are very popular. A lot of them are Instagram famous. Some of these trails are good to do once. Experience it, enjoy it, and then find the less beaten path. Elfin Lakes is worthy of the hype and fame. However those who only visit for a day are missing out on the real wonder of this place.
My first backpacking trip this year revealed that I’m not in the same shape I was last year by this time, mentally or physically. Read on to find out what I learned from this shakedown hike.
This time of year gets me in the mood to get hiking. I’m just waiting for the first sunny 50℉ day where I don’t have to bundle up. I’ve been going through my gear while waiting for that day to appear. I thought I’d share with you some of the gear I bring along on every day hike.
This past weekend I got to meet up with a hiking friend and explore the north end of Olympic National Park. We made the most of our three days together. We explored the popular Hurricane Ridge area, and then enjoyed a night backcountry along the Elwah River.